As a San Francisco native, my creative work has been heavily influenced by the city and the people I grew up around. My mother, a graphic designer, instilled in me a strong visual education from a young age. This foundation in design has been the driving force behind my passion for the creative world.

I pursued my love of photography and photo styling with a focus on fashion at the Academy of Art before graduating from California College of the Arts for Sustainable Fashion Design. My education has given me a unique perspective and the ability to approach styling in a holistic and sustainable way.

Currently, I work as a freelance stylist based in Los Angeles, CA.

I am a creative systems thinker and proficient in many skills, which allows me to excel in environments where I can direct creative vision while also working within a team.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything I do. From the way I create to the way I package items for delivery, I prioritize sustainable materials and practices. I am constantly experimenting with zero-waste patterning, natural dyes, and biomimetic design, always striving for a future where the industries I work for aren't contributing to the global climate crisis.

I am excited to collaborate with like-minded individuals and brands that share my values and believe in a sustainable future. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my work.




a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one



Waste is a choice,

I choose creativity 
